Do you want to talk to an Avis customer service agent? For help in the United States, call 1-800-352-7900. Visit the Worldwide Telephone Numbers page for help in other countries. Helpful links for many common customer service needs are found below.
Worldwide Telephone Numbers
Avis has locations in more than 150 countries. Use the phone numbers here to reserve a car at one of our international car rental locations.
Contact Avis Customer Service
Click the link to logon to the Avis Portal and contact customer service or let us know about your experience.
TTY / TDD Reservations
Avis believes all renters should enjoy a convenient experience. Communication information for speech and hearing-impaired customers can be found here.
Request Past Rental Agreement from Avis
Need a past rental agreement? You can request one using this page.
Request Miles and Points
Request Miles and Points by retrieving your e-Receipt and selecting Get Frequent Miles/Points.
Claims / Accident Form
All your questions about filing an incident, accident, or stolen vehicle claim with Avis are answered here. Access the form and read the FAQ for more info.
Get answers to frequently asked questions about Avis car rental policies and procedures by country. Different countries may have different rules and regulations.
Avis Lost & Found
Think you forgot or lost possessions in your car rental? Avis Lost and Found will help you
Avis Disability Services
At Avis, we provide a full range of products and services for our drivers and passengers with disabilities at no extra cost.
Fraud & Scams
Protect yourself from becoming a victim of car rental scams and fraud. Click the link below for common signs of people who may try to scam both you and Avis.